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18 Vital Job Skills to Succeed in a Post Pandemic World

Have you ever wondered what the workplace would be like in the post-coronavirus world? Given the impact of Covid-19, many in the workforce lost their jobs, while several others embraced the work from home communities.

However, soon enough, the Corona-virus era will be history, and many companies and businesses will resume full operations. For this, recruiters will be searching for qualified candidates to employ.

What does this mean for Job Seekers?

It reveals one fact; job seekers will start searching for work in the post-coronavirus world. Nonetheless, certain job skills would be in demand with intense competition to hire the best applicant for the job.

So, if you've lost your job during this pandemic, there are many others like you. But, what can you do to enhance your chances of landing your dream job after Covid-19?

The best way is to improve your existing work skills and also learn new job skills. For this, there is a list of job skills you can master to increase your odds of finding lucrative jobs in the post-coronavirus world.

But, before you start evaluating which expertise to learn, you need to ask yourself these four questions:

  1. What skills do I already have?

  2. Which other job skills are essential to my career?

  3. What skills should I learn to increase my chances of getting a job in the post-coronavirus era?

  4. What working skills could recruiters be looking for in a potential candidate?

The answers to these questions will help you to identify the most appropriate expertise from the list of job skills you will learn from this post. Your acquired list of job-related skills will help you stand out from the crowd.

A need for new job skills

Learning new job skills is crucial because it boosts your self-confidence and improves your possibilities to find work after the Coronavirus days. Moreover, it enables you to undertake more work and/or new assignments in the workplace.

Also, new job skills can improve your career and offer you more job options. As you may already know, employers are seeking to employ highly qualified applicants that show demonstrable skills and knowledge of their respective domains.

Therefore, the work skills you acquire helps you develop new strategies that keep you up-to-date with your industry changes. As a result, in the post-coronavirus world, employers will see you as an expert and employ you quickly.

So, what job skills do you need in the aftermath of Covid-19? In this article, we will address both, hard skills and soft skills along with examples.

Hard Skills (Technical Skills)

What are "hard skills" exactly? In contrast to soft skills, hard skills are particular technical qualifications you acquire from taking educational courses and through work experience.

An ideal example of hard skills is a website designer who studied web designing in school or at a training program. Another example would be a software developer who learned to code and develop application software.

List of hard skills examples that should be on your work skills list:

  • Software development

  • Coding

  • Telecommunication

  • Operating systems

Job recruiters use this technological know-how as requirements to hire the right candidate.

Soft Skills (Interpersonal Skills)

You may be wondering, "What are soft skills, and why are they important?" 

Among those searching for jobs, be it online remote work or in-office jobs, you will find two categories of job seekers. They are:

  1. Qualified candidates for the position, and

  2. The perfect candidates for the work.

Soft skills are vital at this stage because they contrast the qualified job seekers and the perfect ones. You agree that there is fierce competition in all areas of business, including the job market. So, there are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of candidates who want the same job as you.

As a result, employers have a strict prerequisite for job applicants. The standard goes beyond technical knowledge and capabilities. That is because most types of jobs involve human contact and communication.

Soft skills play a vital role here. Even if you lack in some areas of hard skills, soft working skills puts you in an excellent position to qualify for jobs. However, keep in mind that soft skills are different from software skills.

Software skills are the capabilities and knowledge to use computer programs and applications.

Examples of Soft Skills You Should Master

Although there are several soft skills you can master to add to your resume, here are a few soft skills that will put you at the top of the recruiters' list:

  • Communication skills

  • Flexibility

  • Self-motivation

  • Work ethic

Companies are continually searching for individuals with these work skills to help take their business to the next height. Therefore, develop vital soft skills or improve upon what you already have to land your dream job in the post-Coronavirus world.

The Most In-demand Job Skills to Succeed In Post-Coronavirus World

There are several job skills you need to succeed in a post-coronavirus world, but we have selected the top 18 expertise that is vital to your career success. Here are the top work skills you should master.

1. Technologies and Their Impact in Your Industry

We are all surrounded by technologies—they're everywhere, and companies are investing heavily in technology. Brands are using technology to heighten their efforts, boost sales, and increase revenue.

A survey by Statista reveals the worldwide market spending on technology, spanning from 2014 to 2019.


Source graphic via Statista.

The research shows that companies spent over $3 billion on technology 2019. Please, be reminded that the technology market includes:

  • Telecom services

  • Artificial intelligence

  • Software application

  • Computer pieces of equipment

  • Hardware maintenance

  • Systems integration

  • Communications equipment

However, to better position yourself for the job market, you should learn new technologies and their impact on your niche market. It improves your work personality by showing human resource (HR) personnel and employers that you understand industry trends and the impact of change.

Technology is shaping the world; that is why brands such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and others are developing new technologies and updating existing products. It means that if you're not conversant with technology, you will face challenges in the post-COVID19 world.

2. Digital Marketing Skills

Technology has taken over the world, meaning that we are in the era of digital transformation. That is why skills in digital marketing are critical for businesses. Digital marketing is the implementation of online marketing strategies to improve return on investments (ROIs). It encircles the use of:

  • Mobile marketing

  • Video content marketing

  • Email marketing

  • Social media marketing

  • Search engines marketing (SEM)

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

  • Blogging/content marketing

The need for digital marketing experts in these niche markets is in high demand. So if you're seeking a job and include these skills in your cover letter and attach it to your curriculum vitae (CV) or resume, you have a higher chance of finding lucrative work in any industry.

Some recruiters make it a point to know what job skills on the application you're submitting. Employers need to see a list of work skills you have and the examples of job skills you are well-versed in. These work skills will signal employers that you can help them transform their brands into successful companies.

The following months after Coronavirus will not be easy for the unemployed. So, if you have the required skills for work or a list of work-related skills, thumbs up to you. But, if the opposite is true, it's time to start evaluating your options.

Therefore, examine your current skill set to see whether you need to improve existing expertise or acquire a new list of competencies for work after the Covid-19 world. Several online courses can help you enhance and learn new work skills.

3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a general idea where bots or machines can perform a variety of tasks intelligently. Experts rephrase it as "executing projects smartly." On the other hand, machine learning is a part of AI or a scope of AI that grants robots access to information and allows them to educate themselves automatically.

Furthermore, machine learning focuses on computer program development. But AI uses machine learning and other relevant capabilities to tackle technical issues. Thus, artificial intelligence and machine learning work hand-in-hand.

Company employers are looking to hire specialists in these fields. For instance, the 2020 report on "Jobs of Tomorrow" indicates interesting facts about future jobs. It points to expertise in data science and artificial intelligence as the top jobs of the future.

professions of the future

Source graphic via WEF.

You can see from the graphics that experts merged data with AI at the top of the"Jobs of Tomorrow" and "Emerging Jobs of the Future" chart.


Source graphic via WEF.

So, enhancing your expertise in artificial intelligence and other top competences of hard skills will set you up for success in the post-Coronavirus world.

4. Data Science / Data Scientists

As one of the top emerging jobs in 2020, data scientists are in high demand. For this, Allen Blue of LinkedIn said:

"There are very few data scientists out there passing out their resumes. Data scientists are almost all already employed because they're so much in demand."  一 Allen Blue.

In the same article, Tsvi Gal of Morgan Stanley pointed out that, although his company is in banking, they survive on data. Then he notes that "data analytics is the oxygen of Wall Street." Is Tsvi Gal right about that? Sure!

Every industry makes gains with data. We all need information on different undertakings to enable marketers to make better marketing decisions. Nevertheless, Allen Blue also mentioned that, when you put data science and machine learning together, they constitute five of the top 15 ever-increasing jobs in the US.

Data and AI

Source graphic via WEF.

The screenshot above shows ten emerging jobs in the data science and artificial intelligence category, and also the top 10 skills you need to qualify.

5. Problem-Solving Skills

Interpersonal skills, also known as problem-solving skills, is a fantastic example of a must-have soft skill for job seekers. Why is that so? As the name suggests, it offers you the expertise and know-how to tackle complex issues in business and challenging situations in your organization.

To understand problem-solving better, consider the following attributes that fall under problem-solving skills:

  • Research

  • Analytics

  • Creativity

  • Active listening

  • Decision making

These competencies or credentials are top marketing expertise that companies are looking for in a potential candidate. For example, content marketing, SEO, social media, and email marketing demands the problem-solving skills listed above.

Human resource personals are critical of these criteria when hiring job applicants. So, when improving your soft skills, ensure to focus on enhancing your problem-solving skills. It gives you an edge over the competition.

6. A Resilient Disposition

Developing a resilience temperament is essential because it allows you to adapt to the changes in the workplace confidently. The work environment keeps changing, and the only thing that can prepare you for any eventuality is a resilient outlook.

The Global Challenge Insight Report by World Economic Forum (WEF) on "The Future of Jobs, points out that new technologies are helping workplace innovations in three primary areas. These includes:

1. Working from home / remote working

2. Co-working spaces, and

3. Teleconferencing

So, being resilient will help you immensely, not only in these areas but also in developing as a critical thinker. This latter skill enables you to formulate positive solutions to problems that may arise. The report also notes that the following list of work skills are the most crucial for job seekers going into the future. They are:

  • Communication skills

  • Problem-solving, and

  • Collaboration

As a consequence, being stable or resilient allows you to establish these job skills examples.

7. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ), also known as emotional leadership and emotional quotient, is central to both personal and professional life. It is a proficiency that allows you the capacity to discern, assess, and respond while recognizing your emotion and those of others.

EQ is one of the newest in-demand entries into the job market, and it's similar to leadership skills. Emotional intelligence has five primary components. These include:


2. Motivation

3. Self-awareness

4. Self-regulation, and

5. Social skills

These elements are essential in connecting with others (consumers, clients, and potential customers) on emotional levels. Given this, HR personals are keeping an eye for eligible candidates with powerful EQ to join their team.

Other essential job skills you need to succeed in the post-covid19 world include:

8. Leadership skills

9. Teamwork

10. Software development

11. Data storage

12. Science computing

13. Operation system

14. Website design

15. UI and UX design

16. Communication skills

17. Adaptability

18. Time management skills

Wrapping Up

We have outlined the eighteen most essential job skills you need to become a success in the post-COVID-19 days. Several people lost their jobs due to the pandemic, while others retained their positions at work.

However, the future of emerging jobs and the jobs of tomorrow affects everyone. It impacts both job seekers and those who have their jobs. But, improving your skill sets, as indicated in this article, will help you to find the best jobs in your industry.

Notwithstanding, if you are working, acquiring more work skills puts you in a better position to leverage more work opportunities in your company. The added privilege means an increase in your income.

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6/16/2020, 6:30:00 PM

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Moss Clement


Marketing & People Skills

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