How Can Organizations Undergo Digital Transformation and Upscale Through API


With the Corona pandemic posing an increasing threat,  the majority of the global workforce is steadfastly adapting to remote work conditions and collaborating through a variety of channels & productivity tools. While numerous organizations are quickly rolling out their contingency plan in this critical situation, many workplaces are rising to the challenge and trying to find suitable alternatives.

From an enterprising start-up to large-scale set-ups, undergoing a digital transformation is the need of the hour. Perhaps, one of the easiest ways to facilitate this crucial move is becoming Chat API-driven which connects and unifies people working across various locations on several applications and data. 

However this raises the pertinent question, what does API mean? Several marketers and experts have written on this subject, but many are still struggling to understand API meaning or API definition. The whole concept remains a novelty to many. 

So, in this article, you will learn how to define API, how it works, examples of APIs, and other vital details.

So let's get started...

What Does API Stand for, in Layman's Terms? 

API stands for "Application Programming Interface." It is a group of programming guidelines that enables one app to access information from other applications. The interfaces allow software applications to connect and initiate communications between each other.

Put differently, application programming interface, commonly called API, is a strategic approach that software solutions or apps use to obtain capability and useful information concerning one another.

Also, API specifies operational capabilities that are self-sufficient for individual realizations. It allows those operational capabilities or enforcements to differ without undermining one another. So, with an API, app developers can quickly produce programs using the API's blocks.

In this way, developers speed up productivity because they don't start from scratch. Instead, the API lets app developers replicate complex reusable processes to build apps with minor code. This procedure increases productivity and speeds up production.

Why are APIs Important to Your Business or Organization?

APIs are essential to your business because they allow for the easy creation of new software applications. It means that without APIs, several apps will not be in existence; they will not be existing.

Nevertheless, the essence of an API is not only for data collection but also for accessing the mechanisms of other APIs your brand relies on to produce outstanding software apps. For example, if you want to create a map application, you have the Google Maps API to leverage.

The same goes for other apps. It means that whatever app you want to create, you can quickly find the best APIs to streamline the process.

Here are more reasons why APIs are essential to your business:

  • You save a considerable amount of time with APIs when creating a new account on other platforms and when producing a new app.

  • Businesses rely on APIs to create brand application software. For instance, companies like Lyft, Uber, Jono, Flywheel, and others would not have existed if not for Google Map API and other messaging apps APIs.

  • APIs enable enterprises to flourish by allowing the workforce to concentrate on fundamental skills.

Benefits of APIs for Developers

Application program interfaces are essential digital marketing tools for businesses, whatever your industry. Why? Technically, APIs allow the functionalities of a computer program to access, communicate, and use data of other systems. 

In this way, computer systems and other software applications can seamlessly transmit messages with each other and manage tasks. It enables agencies and organizations to increase productivity by allowing the smooth delivery of data and services between software apps, devices, and individuals. 

In other words, APIs let computers handle tasks instead of humans through automation. This process allows you to focus on other vital matters. As a result, organizations and businesses can quickly transform workflow through APIs to boost productivity and revenue.


  • APIs allow easy automation across organizations and businesses to upgrade work processes and performance of tasks.

  • It will enable consumers to understand your data better in the context of other sources of information.

  • Since APIs can access other application elements, it makes the delivery of data and services more flexible.

  • APIs allow developers to create layers of apps that brands can use to distribute information and services to new audiences. Thus, it improves consumer user experiences.

  • Foster partnerships between like-minded companies that are excited about using other brands' data to create user-friendly services. 

  • It also permits content personalization across apps.

So, APIs are integrated all around us. Given this, let us look at a few samples of the Application Programming Interface.

Examples of APIs

The software interface has a significant impact on businesses, especially those in the digital marketing space. For instance, if your company releases its API to the public, it allows other apps to appropriate its functionality and data so that they are powered or energized by your company's API.

Here are some relevant examples of APIs. 

  • Log-in using LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter, from an app like Hootsuite. Hootsuite uses the LinkedIn API, for example, to access your account and share posts on your behalf.

  • Google Maps API: The Google Maps APIs allows web developers to embed Google Maps on webpages using Flash interface or Javascript.

  • Make payment using PayPal.

  • YouTube APIs: Google's APIs let developers combine YouTube videos and functional capabilities into application software or websites.

  • Travel Booking, for online ticket booking and hotel reservations. They all use APIs to function.

  • Weather Snippets. Google utilizes APIs to display weather information according to the user search query.

  • Twitter Bots: The Twitter bot manages your Twitter account using the Twitter API.

How Application Programming Interface Works

API works in several ways, but there are three regular usage scenarios of an application programming interface.

Let us explain them in layman's terms.

API Usage Scenario #1

In the first use case scenario, an application software requests another operating system to resolve a particular issue. It is more like you'd ask a fellow blogger to help you tackle the problem of brainstorming blog post ideas.

For instance, the Siteground web hosting provider uses PayPal's API to tackle the issue of safe payment to receive payment from subscribers. Other service providers like WordPress, Hostgator, and the like, are using this API to address a need.

API Use Scenario #2

Another use case of an application programming interface is that it lets an application software to request information from another app. 

Use of API

As an example, Google Maps Javascript API provides an opportunity for other apps to gain access to Google maps to show users directions to where they're going, including:

  • Where to locate the nearest train to their destination

  • Where to pick a taxi or locate a bus-stop

  • How to find a restaurant near me

  • Chinese restaurant near me that makes home delivery, and so much more

The Google API allows apps like Blot, Kapten, Wheely, and others to access these pieces of information to let drivers know the exact route to take their passengers. 

API Use Case Scenario #3

With the help of API, software application developers can secure entry into various components of hardware devices. WhatsApp, for instance, leverages your phone's geolocation API to identify your area.

To sum it all up differently, imagine the secretary of a business executive sitting on her desk. Her boss is in a board meeting with stakeholders. You, a potential client, is waiting to inquire of her boss about a possible business deal. 

Now her boss will offer you the information you need to proceed. But since he is at a meeting, you need a link to communicate with him to get the info. Other staff members are busy working at their various offices. So you need somebody to link you to the boss.

That is where the secretary comes in handy as a vital instrument or API. She delivers your message to her boss and returns to you with a response from her boss.

Types of APIs

There are many types of APIs for almost any program. However, it all depends on the software app you're building. Nevertheless, the API definition is and how it works are relatively uncomplicated. But selecting the right APIs might be challenging.

So, it is essential to ensure that you choose the right APIs for your software solutions. Therefore, when selecting what you need, you should consider the objective of your application software and the outcome you're expecting. 

This approach will help you to pick what is best for your app. Here are the more frequently used types of web APIs:

Java APIs: This web protocol permits objects to communicate with each other in the Java programming language. However, besides the Web APIs, there are also Web service APIs, such as: 

  • Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), for short, is a protocol that uses XML as a format to transmit data.

  • XML-RPC: The XML/RPC protocol permits programs to make function or procedure calls across a network, as compared to the SOAP that uses proprietary XML format.

  • JSON-RPC: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a remote procedure encoded in JSON. It is a simple protocol that defines a few data types and commands.

  • Representational State Transfer (REST) is a style of software architecture that defines a set of principles and constraints for creating Web services.

Moreover, there are several thousands of both public and private APIs that companies are using to increase their internal and external proficiencies. Nonetheless, the Web service APIs above are the different protocols that enable the exchange of information over the web.

API Models – Private, Public, and Partner APIs

As the popularity of APIs increases, businesses are taking advantage of proven API models to serve consumers and generate a significant ROIs. Notwithstanding, these APIs are divided into three major API models, depending on their adaptation and system shared. 

API Models

The three primary API models are:

  • Private 

  • Public

  • Partner API

Let us address them one at a time:

Private API

Private, also called internal API, for example, are solely for building internal software applications to use within the company. Software developers can also customize the private API for partner usage. Partners can then use it to promote client-centered architectures.

Please, note; it is not the same as Partner API. So, by using either of these APIs, you can streamline your business activities and combine internal application software around customers and partners. 

Public API

As the name denotes, public API (also called open API) is for public access or. It is an application programming interface that is available publicly and provides developers with program access to proprietary web services. 

Partner API

The Partner APIs are available to business associates. These latter APIs are not accessible to the public, meaning that you need exclusive rights or keys to gain access to them.

Wrapping Up API in a layman's language

A variety of APIs surrounds our day-to-day activities—they are everywhere around us. But the exciting thing is that you don't need to be a developer or know how to produce API solutions to make the most of your business.

Also, you will have an added advantage over the competition if you understand the basics of APIs, such as:

  • API definition

  • Why APIs matter to your business

  • Benefits of APIs 

  • API examples

  • How API works

  • Types of APIs

These pieces of information will set you up ahead of your competitors. What more can you add that will help our readers? We are pleased to hear from you!


About Author
Moss Clement