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How to manage Incident , Problem and Change using CMBD

This topic defines the possible advantages one can get from a


Incident Management


The CMDB offers a valuable repository of facts that you can use to enhance
incident management. Incident managers can easily use CI status, control effect by referring the associations between CIs and the corporate applications they manage, and find related CIs to reinstate service. CMDB data can inevitably generate incident records.


Also, the capability to roll back to a known best configuration reference point or checkpoint allows an effective service reinstatement plan.


  • Possible hard benefits: Greater first-fix ratio, fewer time and aggravation asking queries to evaluate the condition with the affected user, decreased mean time to reinstate, lesser incident management training expenses

  • Possible soft benefits: Better client fulfillment as you can evade asking those questions about the alignment of their system and you can deliver quicker response time, better service-personnel morale, and enhanced business awareness of IT at an important junction point with business customers


Problem Management


The CMDB gives you an abundant source of information for active
problem management, quickening and streamlining root-cause investigation and problem resolution. It delivers the instant status update of CIs caused by the problem. The CMDB associates incidents to problems, and helps you envisage the problem CI and connected CIs and their dependences. It also shows the past record of changes that may have affected the problem. The CMDB allows active problem prevention by scrutinizing combined problem statistics and trending information for a detailed CI type, so you can find asset classes that should be substituted to evade escalating incidents. The CMDB may spontaneously generate problem statistics. The CMDB offers CI ownership data as well.


  • Possible hard benefits: Quicker root-cause investigation and problem determination, problem prevention through trending and CI class exploration, lesser recurrence of incident rate, more competitive vendor discount when supplied with cumulative failure statistics

  • Possible soft benefits: Better client gratification through active problem management


Change Management 


The CMDB delivers a range of facts that considerably develops the change management procedure, which includes better change-request risk evaluation; identifying high-risk changes based on previous success ratio of related CI types; and visualizing upstream and downstream dependences with other organization mechanisms. The CMDB also allows advance setting up of manifold changes that all align to dependent CIs. The
CMDB maps user data to CIs, simplifying positive and effective communication to customers about undecided changes. The CMDB displays the CIs that are in the
change management process and reveals the position straightaway after a change.


  • Possible hard benefits: Greater change realization ratio, lesser overhead expense per change, lesser risk of system failure caused by change, improved synchronized change planning during repairing windows

  • Possible soft benefits: Faster change management through a well-controlled manner, greater client gratification due to improved communication, quicker responsive ness to organizational changes


Configuration Management 


CMDB is essential to configuration management, allowing reliable, precise, control and cost-effective identification, status accounting, and authentication of all CIs in the CMDB.


Comprehensive and effective configuration versioning that allows an effective rollback or restoration plan is almost impossible without a CMDB. Without constant updating of CI field information through discovery and other data sources mapped into a CMDB, it is tough to retain precise statistics about the
extensive range of CIs in the production environment. Present configuration data enables computerized implementation and update of security patches and application changes. A CMDB also enables version compatibility management and upgrade scheduling.


  • Possible hard benefits: Low-risk organizational advancements and changes, improved safety, less service failures

  • Possible soft benefits: Less security patch and application upgrade breakdown


Author : Arunavo Banerjee

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3/31/2015, 6:30:00 PM

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Arunavo Banerjee


IT Service Management

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