Six Sigma Black Belt Curriculum
Six Sigma Black Belt Curriculum
Module 1: Define
Introduction to Six Sigma
History of Six Sigma
Need for Six Sigma
Six Sigma metrics
DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) methodology overview
Examples of Six Sigma results
Voice of the customer (VOC)
CTx (quality, time, cost)
Converting VOC to CTQs (critical to quality)
SIPOC (supplier, input, process, output, customer)
Pareto analysis
Project charter
Business opportunity
Problem statement
Objective primary and secondary metrics
Cost of poor quality (COPQ)
Project teams
Stakeholder analysis
Module 2 : Measure
Process mapping
Fishbone diagram
Graphical tools
Dot plot
Time series plot
Pareto chart
Basic statistics and probability
Types of data
Accuracy versus precision
Mean, median, mode
Range, interquartile range, variance, standard deviation
Sample versus population
Central limit theorem
Confidence intervals
Process distributions
Normal distribution
Exponential, Weibull, lognormal
Binomial, Poisson
Lean concepts
Value stream, flow
Batch versus single-piece flow
Seven forms of waste
Push versus pull systems
Kanbans, work cells
Supply chain, just-in-time
5S (sort, straighten, shine, standardize, sustain) and visual management
Standard work
OEE (overall equipment effectiveness)
Sampling and data collection
Sampling bias
Sampling techniques: random, stratified random, systematic, rational subgrouping
Power and sample size calculations
Process capability
Process stability
Normal capability analysis (Cp, Cpk, CPM, Pp, Ppk)
Non-normal capability analysis
Binomial and Poisson capability analysis
Rolled throughput yield (RTY), defect per unit (DPU), defects per million opportunities (DPMO), Sigma level (including shift)
Measurement system analysis
Variable gage R&R
Destructive testing
Crossed versus nested designs
Attribute Gage R&R
Module 3 : Analyze
Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
Multi-vari analysis
Inferential probability distributions
True, False
Binomial, Poisson
Hypothesis testing
Anderson-Darling normality test
One-sample t-test
Two-sample t-test
Paired t-test
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
One-sample test for variation
Two-sample test for variation
Test for equal variance
One-sample sign
Mood’s median test
One-proportion test
Two-proportion test
Chi-squared contingency table
One-sample Poisson rate
Two-sample Poisson rate
General ANOVA
Correlation and regression
Multiple regression
Binary logistic regression
Design of experiments (DOE) strategies
2k full factorial DOE
DOE center points, blocking, covariates
2k fractional factorial DOE
General full factorial DOE
Central composite design
Module 4 : improve
Innovative solutions (brainstorming, etc.)
Selecting a solution (Pugh matrix)
DOE multiple response optimization
Response surface methodology
Evolutionary operation (EVOP)
Lean tools
- Lean measures of time: lead time, takt time, completion time, cycle time
Value stream mapping
Time value mapping
Theory of constraints
Load charts/line balancing
Spaghetti chart
Queuing theory
Improve techniques
Process simplification
Mistake proofing
Implementation and verification (piloting, etc.)
Module 5 : Control
Statistical process control
- I-MR charts
Xbar-R charts
Xbar-S charts
Control plans
What, who, where, how often, how much
Decision criteria
Action plan
Management engagement and handoff
Project closure
Here are some tips which might help you before taking up the exam :
- Initially, be familiar with all the definitions and topics of each and every chapter. The below table shows you the percentage of questions from each section
Section | Title | % of Exam |
IX | Analyze | 15% |
V | Define -Tools | 15% |
VI | Measure - Data | 12% |
III | Lean - DFSS | 10% |
IV | Define - Teams | 10% |
VII | Measure - Portability | 10% |
VIII | Measure - Capability | 8% |
XI | Control Concepts | 8% |
X | Improvement | 7% |
II | Six Sigma Goals | 5% |
Maintain a notepad with you where you can mention your keywords and topics that you can quickly revise before taking up the exam
Do answer the sample questions at the end of every chapter. After answering all the questions go through the questions which are incorrect, read the explanation and make a note of it which would be helpful
Review each section as many times as possible
Start with easy questions. Do not stay on the problem that you are stuck on. If you skip any question make a star mark on it so you can quickly find out.
Arrive early to the exam hall
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