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Day of Exam | Project Management Professional (PMP)

Day of Exam

Now you are ready to hit the bull’s eye - take your PMP exam, which is the final step towards your
PMP certification. This is after all the efforts and time you have poured into your preparation. On the day before the exam, make sure you get good rest. A lot of people actually take a day off the day before the exam. It helps you to stay relaxed.

There is a lot to do before you actually sit down at the computer to take the test! So it’s a good idea to have as many things ready the night before as possible; it will make your morning calmer, more organized and put you in the proper frame of mind to pass your exam. The image below gives you some tips on
how to handle your PMP exam day.

Day Of Exam

The remainder of this article is applicable after you have achieved your PMP credential. Wish you the best for the exam. Do let us know if we could be of help.

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