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Top 3 tips to clear the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam in one shot

Tips to clear the PRINCE2 Practitioner Exam

It is not that easy to pass the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam in first attempt. Here are few tips which will make your exam day simpler.

Go through the answers:

The answers are as important as the questions. As the exam is of multiple type, you will have to choose answers from various options provided in the questions. Primarly, observe the type of language used in the answers. Always avoid selecting answers that say ‘all’, ‘always’ or ‘must’.

Write some key points in manual:

Fortunately PRINCE2 Practitioner exam is an open book, which means that you can take your PRINCE2 manual into the exam room, so write the key points and draw process diagrams in the manual which would be helpfulfor you. Nevertheless, nobody in the exam hall will care about what has been written in the manual.

Manage your time wisely:

PRINCE2 exam duration is for 2.5 hours only so each and every question should be answered in the allotted time. There are two major planning methods for effective time management which includes:

  • Allot equal time for every question:
    Manage your time in such a way that you answer each and every question.

  • Two approaches:

  1. Pass one approach:
    Go through the exam paper twice, the first time you read the question paper answer all the easy questions, leave the difficult ones.

  2. Pass two approach:
    Answer the difficult questions but do not stick to them.

    At the end of the exam make sure you have some time to go through the paper once again

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