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Quality Planning in PRINCE2 | PRINCE2 Foundation

Quality Planning in PRINCE2

The purpose of quality planning

It is to provide a secure basis for project board agreements on the overall quality expectations, products required together with their quality criteria, the means by which quality will be achieved and assessed and the associated acceptance criteria. It is to provide a secure a basis for communicating these agreements to project stakeholders and establishing any effective baseline for theprojects quality controls and thereby achieving products that are fitfor purpose.

Composition of Quality Planning:

Quality planning comprises these components:

  • We need to understand the customers quality expectations

  • Define the project's acceptance criteria

There by, we need to document the customer quality expectations and the project's acceptance criteria in a product and management product called the project product description. We also formulate a quality management strategy and we write clear products scripts and for each products we ought to produce also as part of quality planning we set up the quality register.

Customer's Quality Expectations

The customer's quality expectations are a statement about the quality expected from the project products, captured in the project products description. The expectations are defined and agreed early in the starting up a project process. So, the customers quality expectations are captured very early on.

And the quality expectations should cover:

  • The key quality requirements

  • Any standards and process that we'll need to be applied

  • Any measurements that may be useful to assess whether the project products meets the quality requirements

  • The key quality requirements which will drive the choice of solution

Once we've established those quality expectations and we look to that choices of solution. The choices is the we make will have a significant impact on the time it takes to make things that costs, the scope, the risk when lightly to take and the benefits in terms of the performance targets of each of those variables. The customer's quality expectations are often expressed in broad terms initially, the detailed acceptance criteria being derived later and the customers quality expectations should be prioritized where possible.

The customer's quality expectations should be reviewed at the end of each management stage. Sometimes things happen discoveries of it madewhereby those quality expectations may need to be revisited. So having looked at quality expectations that's look next at acceptance criteria. A projects acceptance criteria comprise a prioritized list of criteria that the project product must meet before the customer will accept it, i.e measurable definitions of theattributes required for the set of products to be acceptable to keystakeholders.

So what are the sort of acceptance criteria that we might use in a project will be acceptance criteria to be things like ease of maintenance, the appearance of a products, the capacity of products, how reliabilities, how securities, what is running costs of and so on . When a project has met all acceptance criteria the project can be closed. The acceptance criteria should be agreed by the customer and supplier during starting up a project and documented in the project product description. The acceptance criteria will often need refinement during initiating a project, but once agreed will be under change control. Once again these things and not costing stand forever there may will be a reason to change acceptance criteria but once they have been agreed that under change controls are any changes need to go through a formal change control process. The choice of acceptance methods is crucial as it is relied on to prove that project product is except.

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