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Quality Management Strategy | PRINCE2 Foundation

Quality Management Strategy

Quality management strategy is used to define the quality techniques and standards to be applied and the various responsibilities for achieving the required quality levels, during the project. On that sets out the purpose, the composition, derivation, format and presentation and quality criteria of the quality management strategy. And in fact as you've now seeing quite a few of the management products in PRINCE2 it's important that you familiarize yourself with the purpose, composition, derivation, format presentation and quality criteria for each prints to management products.

Let's look then in more detail at the quality management strategy

  • The quality management strategy is prepared during initiating a project and subsequently approved by the project board.

  • It describes how the quality management systems of the participating organizations are going to be applied in this project.

  • It also confirms any quality standards, procedures, tools and techniques that will be used.

  • It also helps to define how the levels of formality to be applied to be quality can be scaled and agreed for the specific project needs

  • It should include details of quality assurance to be applied and in particular have any independent audits it's tough to get quality assurance must be performed independently of the project team but the project team must make sure the quality assurance happens.

  • It defines key responsibilities for quality including a summary of the approach to project assurance.

  • If the project is part of a program with its own quality management strategy it is only necessary to document measures that are specific to the project.

  • So within a project within a program you may inherit a quality management strategy and just need to define anything which is specific to just your project.

  • The quality management strategy is maintained under change control throughout the life of the project. Product Descriptions

Quality aspects of product description

Quality tolerances can be specified as a range of values, for example "60 minutes plus or minus 5 minutes". Quality methods are all of the activities related to quality during the development of products and its final review and approval. Any a specialized skills needed should be specified. Very often if You're dealing with a highly technical projects or projects with highly technical elements you may need some very specialized skills in order to perform quality methods.

There are two types of quality methods:

1. Process Method

This method often involves the use of specialist tools and techniques such as pirating exercises and using calibrated controls. You can also use quality inspections early on rather than just a completion. As we'll see in a moment when we talk about appraisal methods and perhaps reviewing that use a guide for the camera at the end of the production process is probably a good idea to do a quality inspection of it much earlier.

2. Appraisal Methods

Fiinish products are assessed for completeness and fitness for purpose. Appraisal matters themselves fall into two groups:

Testing methods : Where the quality criteria are sufficiently objective

Quality inspections : Very often used where there is an element of subjective judgment needed and this will often be used in things like documents. We need perhaps to go through it virtually line by line and resolve issues with a group of the stakeholders in the document is presenting their own issues and are doing their own case for what they think is right and wrong about that document.

Quality Responsibilities fall into three categories:

  • A producer of the product

  • A review out of the product and review should be independent of producers

  • And then approval will be a project pulled or some other person or group, who is qualified and will rise to approve the products

Quality register:

Basically we plan our quality activities and then once the quality activities get started we update those quality activities with the results about quality control operations. Now the quality register is a sort of diary of planned and undertaken quality events soared anytime you have some planned events you'll have some undertaken quality events in the diary.

The quality register is created during initiating a project and maintained throughout the life of the project. The quality register provides key audit and assurance information. The level of detail required will vary, but make sure there is enough information to assist with process improvement.

What is Quality Control

Quality Control is the process of monitoring specific project results to determine whether they comply with relevant standards and identifying ways to eliminate courses of unsatisfactory performance.

Quality control comprises:

  • Carrying out the quality methods

  • Maintaining quality and approval records and

  • Alternately gaining acceptance

The cost of correcting flaws is kept at its lowest by detecting and correcting them as early as possible. Consequently, quality inspections barely in product design and development are exceptionally cost effective. Now it is true that if you do too many quality inspections during the production of products. The cost of quality exception can exceed the value in having so many inspections. Hence, getting that balance right is very important.

Quality Inspection

A quality inspection is a systematic, structured assessment of the products conducted in a planned, documented and organized fashion.

Quality inspection can be used:

During product development either formally or informally.

PRINCE2 has very few specific techniques of its own but this is one of them the prince to quality review technique and the PRINCE2 quality review technique is designed to work along side PRINCE2 Product description.

PRINCE2 Quality Review Technique

The objectives in the panel is to assess the conformity of the products to involve key interested parties in to revive confirmation that the product is complete and ready for an approval and or to base line of products to change control purposes. Plan quality activities and carry them threw out the project we build up a set of quality records. On the quality records represent the evidence that the planned quality activities have been carried out. These records contain the details of contents of the quality register and assure the project manager and the project board that:

  • Products have met their quality criteria

  • Planned audits have been conducted and reported

When records are received by project support the quality register is updated and analysis of quality records at the end of a project can be a valuable source for lessons learned. Though PRINCE2 does not specify the formator composition of approval records, it is a good idea to keep a wreck old of the approval of each product.

Types of approval record can include:

  • A signed documents

  • A notes in the minutes of a meeting

  • Finally as far as acceptance records of concern this is exceptions by the user

Although products can be approved during a project and may even be handed over into use during the project, it is important to keep a record of formal acceptance of the projects. Formal acceptance normally happens during closing a project process. Acceptance may be qualified and concessions may be granted that may need to follow on actions.

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