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Introduction on Managing Product Delivery process | PRINCE2 Foundation

Introduction on Managing Product Delivery process

The purpose of the Managing Product Delivery process:

The purpose of the managing product delivery process is to control the link between the project manager and the team manager, by placing formal requirements on accepting, executing and delivering project work. The role of the team manager is to coordinate an area of work that will deliver one or more of the project products. They can be internal or external to the customer's organization.

Overview of Managing Product Delivery:

The team manager will accept a work package, execute it and then deliver it, and the trigger from delivery back to controlling the stage is completed work package.

The Objective of the Managing Product Delivery process is to ensure that:

  • The work on products allocated to the team is authorized and agreed. The team manager may be doing the work him or herself and he may indeed have a whole team working for him or her

  • The planned products are delivered to expectations and within tolerance

  • Accurate progress information is provided as an agreed frequency to ensure that expectations are managed

Managing Product Delivery views the project from the team manager's perspective while controlling a stage process views it from the project manager's perspective. The team manager ensures that products are created and delivered by the team to the project by:

  • Accepting and checking authorized work packages from the project manager

  • Ensuring that interfaces identified in the work package are maintained

  • Creating a team plan for the work packages being assigned

  • Ensuring that the products are actually developed

  • Demonstrating that each product meets its quality criteria

  • Obtaining approval for completed products from the authorities identified in the Product description

  • Delivering the products to the project manager

​​Accept a work package:

The fundamental principle is that before a work package is allocated to a team, there should be an agreement between the project manager and the team manager as to what is to be delivered, the reporting requirements, what constraints to be applied. When the work package is made available to the team manager, there would be various things to discuss and agree with the project manager, and these include things like the tolerances who's going to approve the products produced as part of work on this work package and so on. The team manager will produce a team plan and then a general context this will show and timescales etc.

Execute a work package:

The work has to be executed and monitored to the requirements defined in the authorized work package. While developing the product, the team manager should not exceed the work package tolerances agreed with the project manager. Executing a work package calls is a creation of the specialist products. As soon as there is a full cost to exceed any of the tolerances, the team manager must raise an issue to the project manager.

Deliver a work package:

Just as the work package was accepted from the project manager, notification of its completion must be returned to the project manager. We need to check whether the quality activities are completed and updated in the Quality Register, need to check the approval record to verify that all the products to be delivered by the work package. And there are instructions in the work package for the delivery of completed products. We need to follow those and notify the project manager that the work package is complete. The responsibilities for this activity are basically two of them the team manager is responsible for updating the work package and for updating the team plan, a project assurance will give the hand reviewing each of these actions.  

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