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Neutron Radiograph Techniques | Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

Neutron Radiograph Techniques

Many internal characteristics of materials can be photographed and inspected by the radiographic process. Radiography is based on the fact that gamma and X-rays pass through materials at different levels and rates. Therefore, either X-rays or gamma rays can be directed through a test object onto a photographic film and the internal characteristics of the part can be reproduced and analyzed. Because of their ability to penetrate through the materials and disclose subsurface discontinuities, X-rays and gamma rays have been applied to the internal inspection of forgings, castings, welds, etc. for both metallic and non-metallic products.

For proper X-ray examination, adequate standards must be established for evaluating the results. A radiograph can show voids, porosity, inclusions, and cracks if they lie in the proper plane and are sufficiently large. However, radiographic defect images are meaningless, standards are used. A standard, acceptable for one application, may be inadequate for another.

Neutron Radiograph and Related Techniques

Neutron radiography is a fairly recent radiographic technique that has useful and unique applications. A neutron is a small atomic particle that can be produced when a material, such as beryllium, is bombarded by alpha particles. Neutrons are uncharged and move through materials unaffected by density. When X-rays pass through an object, they interact with electrons. Therefore, a material with a high electron density, such as lead, is nearly impenetrable. N-rays, on the other hand, are scattered or absorbed by particles in the atomic nuclei rather than by electrons. A metal that is opaque to X-rays is nearly transparent to N-rays. However, materials rich in hydrogen or boron, such as leather, rubber, plastics and many fluids are opaque to N-rays. The methods used to perform neutron radiography are fairly simple. The object is placed in a neutron beam in front of an image detector.

Related Techniques

There have been new developments in the radiographic field of non-destructive testing, several common recent applications include fluoroscopy, gamma radiography, televised x-ray (TVX), microwave testing and holographic inspection.

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