Service Design Goals
The Goals of Design Co-ordination are:
To ensure Goals & Objectives of Design Stage are met
Single point of co-ordination & control for all design activities
To achieve these goals, we have the Objectives to:
Ensure Consistent design
Co-ordinate all design activities across stakeholders
Plan & co-ordinate resources & capabilities for design
Ensure adherence to architecture & governance requirements
Manage quality criteria especially at handover points from Strategy to transition phase. The scope of the design coordination process includes all design activity, particularly all new or changed service solutions, that are being designed for transition into (or out of, in the case of a service retirement) the live environment. Some design efforts will be part of a project, whereas others will be managed through the change process alone without a formally defined project. Some design efforts will be extensive and complex, while others will be simple and swift. Not every design activity requires the same level of rigor to ensure success, so a significant number of design efforts will require little or no Individual attention from the design coordination process. Most design coordination process activityfocuses around those design efforts that are part of a project, as well as those that are associated with changes of defined types.
Typically, the changes that require the maximum attention from design coordination are major changes, but any change that an organization, believes could benefit from design coordination may be included. The design coordination process includes:
Assisting and supporting each project or other change through all the service design activities and processes
Maintaining policies, guidelines, standards, budgets, models, resources and capabilities for service design activities and processes
Coordinating, prioritizing and scheduling the service design resources to satisfy conflicting demands from all projects and changes
Planning and forecasting the resources needed for the future demand for service design activities
Reviewing, measuring and improving the performance of all service design activities and processes
Ensuring that all requirements are appropriately addressed in service designs, particularly utility and warranty requirements
Ensuring the production of service designs and/or SDPs and their handover to service transition.
The design coordination process does not include:
Responsibility for any activities or processes outside of design stage of the service lifecycle.
Responsibility for designing the detailed service solutions themselves or the production of the individual parts of the SDPs.
Design Co-ordination – Key Activities Design Co-ordination manages both overall lifecycle based design activities as well as individual design activities.
Overall lifecycle stage activities include:
Define and maintain policies and methods
Plan design resources and capabilities
Coordinate design activities
Manage design risks and issues
Improve service design
Individual design activities include:
Plan individual designs
Coordinate individual designs
Monitor individual designs
Review designs and ensure handover of SDPs
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