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Books Recommended by PMI | Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)

Books Recommended by PMI

Further Reading

10 books recommended by are listed as:

  1. Agile Manifesto and Principles

  2. Agile Estimating and Planning, by Mike Cohn

  3. Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products, by Jim High smith

  4. Agile Project Management with Scrum, by Ken Schwaber

  5. Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great, by Esther Derby and Diana Larsen

  6. Agile Software Development: The cooperative Game, by Alistair Cockburn. Becoming Agile. In an Imperfect Word, by Greg Smith and Ahmed Sidky

  7. Coaching Agile Teams: A companion for Scrum Master, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in Transition, by Lyssa Adkins

  8. Lean-Agile Software Development: Achieving Enterprise Agility, by Alan Shalloway, Guy Beaver and James R. Trott

  9. The Software Project Manager’s Bridge to Agility, by Michele Singer and Stacia Broderick The Art of Agile Development, by James Shore and Shane Warden

  10. User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development, by Mike Cohn Know that having a photographic memory of all eleven recommended reading books will not guarantee exam success. You must understand the application of that information in real life agile scenarios.

Responsibility: Take ownership for the decisions we make.

Respect: High regard for ourselves, others.

Fairness: Make decisions and act impartially and objectively.

Honesty: Understand the truth and act in a truthful manner.

Understanding Exam Result

Unlike some exams this one tends not to be wordy but rather to the point. Some other PMI exams simulate real life with question fact overload. In the Introduction we discussed the relative distribution of question by topic area. It is critical to realize that neither this course nor any other 21 hour course covers all of the possible. Considerable independent reading and study will be necessary.

This course will provide you with the most salient points and provide an understanding of the framework that will prove invaluable to your independent study. Exam result is declared only as Pass/Fail, second level of result is proficiency levels in each domain.

Proficiency levels are defined as:

Proficient – which indicates above average level of knowledge of particular domain.

Moderately proficient – this indicates average level of knowledge of particular domain.

Below proficient - indicates below average level of knowledge of the domain.

Exam Retake Criteria

In an unfortunate event, you do not pass the exam on the first attempt you may re-test up to twice within your one-year eligibility period. You can do this by submitting a completed re-examination form and paying the 275$ re-examination fee.

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