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What Is Service Management?

What is Service Management?

Service Management is an approach to deliver information which mainly deals with making the customer feel satisfied. Also, it helps in maintaining a good relationship with customers. Read about Service Management in detail.

What is Service?

Service is a type of activity that is ethereal and provided to the customers at the point of sale. Examples of Services include transfer of goods, such as postal service delievering mail.


Classification of service

Services are broadly classified into three categories:

Elementary services: 

The smallest possible components that qualify as services. 

For example: A service that can be used for zip code look-ups.

Composite services: 

Services that result from combining two or more other services into one service that provides more value. 

For example: A service to book a hotel and flight together.

Process services: 

Longer running services that can take a couple of hours, days, or even more to complete transactions. 

For example: A service for ordering a book online

Service essentially depends upon 

1.Growth: This is the service which supports the firm and increase the revenue.

2.Quality: Service that deals efficiently with the quality of the product.

3.Productivity: It is a service which deals with the productivity of the product.

4.Cost: A service which that must have not administered in the market and operate as efficiently as possible.

Different Capabilities:

Basically, Service Manager affords capabilities to deliver the IT Services efficiently:

1.Integrating process and knowledge across the System Center suite

2.Providing an accurate and relevant knowledge base

3.Lowering costs and improving responsiveness

4.Improving business alignment

5.Delivering immediate value with built-in process management packs

Benefits of Service Management: 

Well, Let’s look at the benefits of Service Management.

1. Implementing Service Management in your business will increase the revenue of the company.

2. Improves customer satisfaction levels.

3. Type of service delivered to the customers will increase the productivity level.

4. Investment or expenditure cost can be reduced 

The Best practices of a Service Manager

Here are the top best practices which a service manager can follow to increase the quality of production of the company. 

1. Attitude is Everything: 

Handle every situation with a positive attitude and then do the right thing for the customer. 

2. No Excuses just solutions:

Understand the customer issues but never try to ask excuses.

3. Solve the business problem: 

Initially, address whether it is a technical/policy issue. According to that work on the problem and try to get it solved.

4. Be friendly with the team: 

In any Organization having fun is the key component to success. You should be friendly with your team members. You should always use all the available resources to solve the customer issues. This in-turn will lead to high level of customer satisfaction and hence forth help in increasing productivity. 

To summarize, in today’s competitive scenario many organizations are looking for service managers to improve the quality of services. The main objective of Service Management is to reduce the cost in provision of services and to introduce new services. 

Click Here for Service Management Course


7/15/2015, 6:30:00 PM

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