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Value of Six Sigma

The main concept of
Six Sigma certification is not only getting certified with Six but its all about how you can apply the tools. The certification is worthless if you cannot use the tools effectively and make a meaningful impact on your organization.


Consider the following points if you are trying to get
certified for Six Sigma.


Course Outline:

If your aim is only to get certified in six sigma, look for the institutes who are offering the training at a low cost in a less span of time. The problem with these institutions is they teach only the
basics of Six Sigma which are important to clear the examination.


Before attending a training session check:


• Whether the courses offered by that institution meets the needs as per ASQBok. 

• Know the tools taught by them. 

• Compare the course outline with other institutes.

• Finally the course offered by them should satisfy your business needs.


Training Providers:


Remember that there is no governing body for
Six Sigma Certification. So anyone who had knowledge on Six Sigma can provide a training and certification. Ask as many questions as you can about the trainer. If he is an expert ask for the details about where he was trained. If he handled any projects, what type of projects and where he or she has done his or her project?


Organization side:

An Organization doesn’t simply recruit the people who are simply certified in Six Sigma. They see the person’s knowledge on the tools used in the present industry. The organization sees

• How well the employee knows the usage of the tool.

• Each and every employee (Management, Engineers, Staff workers, HR & accounting) should have a clear understanding about
six sigma deployments.

• What are the other tools to be taught other than the existing tools in the organization?


ASQ periodically resurveys for the changes in the industry and updates the ASQBoK as per the changes. The current ASQBoK for its certified Six Sigma is found on the internet at

Click Here for Six Sigma Course


6/1/2014, 6:30:00 PM

About Author

Patrick James


Quality Management