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 Top 15 books to gear up for a Six Sigma Certification

Humans are prone to diseases and injuries. Under such circumstances, they seek the help of a doctor. The doctor prescribes medicines and suggests measures to bring the human body to function at an optimum level. To a healthy individual, he may suggest measures to prevent diseases and injuries. One might wonder how is all this, related to six sigma. Just like how a doctor heals an ailing human, a six sigma professional heals an ailing organization. He prescribes practices and suggests preventative measures. This brings the functioning of the organization to an apex level. A six sigma professional gathers his expertise through six sigma books, which carry the lean six sigma body of knowledge. 

Is Six Sigma worth it?

It provides growth at a faster pace at the career front. The pay may also multiply exponentially with this certification. It gives the confidence and knowledge to a professional to start his own consultancy. The six sigma certification has gained much prominence in the recent times. 

Its different levels show the level of expertise that the professional has. The levels go in the order of White Belt, Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt. White is the lowest level which is best suited for a beginner. Whereas, a Master Black Belt is considered as an experienced six sigma professional who can train a Black Belt. However, a ‘Champion’ level also exists. A professional of this level has carried out many projects as compared to Black Belt and Master Black Belt. 

A steady progression through these Belts proves to be extremely beneficial. It enlightens the pursuer on various concepts which reduce waste and variation. In a nutshell, Lean methodology aims at waste reduction in the process. However, six sigma aims at reduction of process variation. Both the approaches go hand in hand to realize the full potential of the process improvements. An integrated approach towards learning lean six sigma helps in improving the process efficiency. It also helps optimize the resources and increase customer satisfaction. It also helps improve profits and curtail costs.
It is important to learn this difference between these management approaches. They have their benefits when applied to different business processes. They improve the quality of existing processes and make one a better manager.

When one accomplishes the Six Sigma certification, he’ll have to prove his learnings to an organization. This is to recognize the qualities of an organization’s business and manufacturing. It gives the capacity to gauge, break down, control, and enhance it. He will be able to lead a total check of the current practices. He’ll be able to pick up a reasonable comprehension of its effect on quality execution.

The below-mentioned books can successfully carve out the best six sigma professional from an individual. Reading these books is equal to getting into the minds of the authors. These authors have established industry professionals.  

Best Place to Get Six Sigma Certified

GreyCampus is one of the most reputed international certification and training organizations. Six Sigma professionals all across the globe vouch for it. Their online training methods bring out the best in the students. They have experienced and qualified trainers, these trainers are popular names in the respective industries. GreyCampus is a globally recognized institution, the benefits are reaped by many in the six sigma fraternity. These links can be followed for the Green and the Black Belt certifications.  These certifications also shine a light on the lean concepts. 

Best Books To Prepare For Six Sigma Certification

1) The Six Sigma Handbook by Thomas Pyzdek

The book is adept for pursuers of the Six Sigma certifications. This book particularly sheds light on the changing trends in six sigma. 

It takes one through the various methods of applying six sigma concepts. Some of its features include online quizzes on Green/Black Belt certifications. It also has important links to videos and lean concepts. 

The book is rich in content and takes you deep insights.

2) The Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook 

As the name suggests, this book is made for training in Black Belt certification. The book has been designed with the application point of view. 

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This book has coherent diagrams and examples which explain the structures and layouts. 

3) Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook

A hundred tools that this book sheds light upon serves as an eye-opener. Each of these tools is discussed with its applicability. Dedicated sections in this book explain the making of this tool, its analysis and you will find expert guidance. 

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This book explains the concepts of Lean Six Sigma from an organizational perspective. This book provides a step-by-step guide to launch the organization to greater heights. This book can be considered as the complete reference guide for a six sigma aspirant.

4) Lean Six Sigma for Dummies

The book touches upon the points that enable business enhancement with the elimination of wasteful activities. It gives clear directions on streamlining business processes and improving communication. 

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Following this book would result in increased customer satisfaction. It’d also reduce performance issues. This book can be applied to day-to-day activities. 

5) Lean Six Sigma and Minitab Pocket Guide

The book touches upon Lean Six Sigma in a clear and practical manner. It provides definite Minitab directions throughout. This version has sold around 150,000 copies. It is popularly known as the functional guide for business experts all around the world.

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This guide incorporates: 

  • Definite material for DMAIC tabs with more than 140 Lean Six Sigma procedures. 

  • Sensible course plan on the Six Sigma DMAIC. 

  • Minitab directions, screenshots, and interactive cases with free information documents.

6) Six Sigma Team Pocket Guide

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This book emphasizes teamwork that plays a crucial role in achieving the goals of a six sigma project. It gives good points on how to deal with internal politics. Suggestions for teamwork deficiency are also given in this book. Upon following this book, the success rate of a six sigma team is much higher. It is the best six sigma formula for success.

7) Six Sigma Study Guide

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It tests the reader’s knowledge of six sigma principles and tools. This is particularly essential to be a Black Belt in six sigma. The questions in this book are designed by industry professionals and experts. The design of the book is based on the ASQ’s BOK (Body Of Knowledge). The book is an excellent tool to pass the exam.

8) Statistics for Six Sigma Black Belts

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A Black Belt who wants to hone his/her skills in statistics can refer to this book anytime. This book provides practical solutions to six sigma problems. The approach has been discussed with the perspective of a Black Belt. The author of the book is an established writer in the field of statistics and six sigma. 

9) Lean Six Sigma for Service

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The world today is more service-focused than manufacturing. Therefore, one needs a six sigma reference guide catering to the service sector. Service can be operational in nature. This book deals with reduction of service costs by 30 to 60 %. It leads a six sigma Black Belt holder to improve the delivery time by 50 %. It has given clear insights on the growth of capacity by 20%. Any type of company from any industry can use the knowledge provided in this book. The book is filled with case studies. These case studies discuss some good examples of the service sector. Suggestions for its improvements are also given along.

10) A Guide To Six Sigma and Process Improvement For Practitioners And Students

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Students can find this book good for academic reference. Professionals will also be able to look at this book from a practical perspective. The book touches upon the following essential aspects of six sigma: 

  • What Six Sigma can do, and how to oversee it adequately?

  • Six Sigma positions, obligations, and terms?

  • Conducting Six Sigma programs 

  • Dashboards and Control Charts 

  • Acing each stage of DMAIC: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control.

  • Basic six sigma concepts like probability and probability distributions are also discussed. 

  • Six Sigma Champion and Green Belt certification, etc.  

Howard Gitlow and Melnyck Richard are the authors of this book. They have left no stone unturned. The book can be easily bought from any renowned bookstore. It can also be ordered online on Amazon. 

11) Innovating Lean Six Sigma

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This book shows the creative way to deal with the Lean Six Sigma process. It enables you to form and shape your technique as you proceed.  This is by making little changes en route that can have a major effect. In this book, one can find the best techniques for sending LSS at each level. The central administrators and every organizational establishment vouch for it. One gets insights from existing business experts, these experts have led organizations through the LSS process; they narrate the story of how they turned those organizations around. One will figure out how to use the most recent and prominent administration tools. This book is all that one needs. It helps to execute Lean Six Sigma smoothly and successfully. Many such examples are available in the book. Some good sections concentrate on the methods to execute Lean Six Sigma in services.

12) The Black Belt Memory Jogger: A Pocket Guide for Six Sigma Success

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It begins with a portrayal of the DMAIC structure. It gives the directions that guarantee help with the six sigma techniques. The Black Belt Memory Jogger clearly explains the ideas and instruments. It discusses topics from Critical Paths to Control Charts. These techniques are discussed in twenty-five definite sections of the book. The book is helpful when it comes to passing the examination. As a speedy reference under the tight course of events, it helps keep the pursuers on track. The Black Belt Memory Jogger is an ideal book for trainers, group trainers. Co-workers can start to construct new levels following this book.

~The Best Sellers~

13) The Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt Handbook 

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The book is based on ASQ’s BOK (Body Of Knowledge). It is the certified reference manual for ASQ’s Yellow Belt exam. Feedbacks were gathered from various six sigma professionals. The book is based on the research of the feedbacks. The comprehensive style of testing knowledge has been used in the book. This style is adept for college or university students. 

14) The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook

The book has been written by Govindarajan Ramu, Roderick A. Munro, and Daniel J. Zrymiak. The authors were awarded the famous Crosby Medal for the book in the year 2017. 

The book has been designed for ASQ’s Six Sigma Green Belt certification exam. The book proves to be useful for anyone who seeks guidance on six sigma concepts. Industry professionals may find this book easier to refer to. 

15) The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook

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The book is made keeping in mind the most recent BOK (Body Of Knowledge) for Six Sigma. The book particularly helps in passing the six sigma Black Belt exam. A CSSGB would have a good foundation developed when referring to this book. 


The above-mentioned books are sure to sail one through the six sigma examinations. These books provide knowledge on various topics and tools. Gantt charts, Pareto analysis, and control charts are also discussed in these books. The knowledge provided is from an examination point of view. The sample questions can be accessed to get a better understanding of this subject. The case studies give industry examples and trigger higher-order thinking. This is essential as a six sigma professional has to be on his toes at all times. He can’t afford to err as he exists to rectify errors. 


Learn more about Six Sigma from trained experts. Enroll now!


10/11/2021, 1:30:09 PM

About Author

Debashish Roy


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