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Top 5 mobile apps to ace the PMP

Studying for the PMP certification exam is quite literally a full time job, to the extent that even managers in the work place typically allow you some leeway in your work schedule to prepare for it. Nowadays, whatever we can do on our laptops we can do on our Smartphone and preparing for the PMP is no exception. Therefore, when in a rush or when there is a need to revise your PMP coursework on the fly, you can simply use one of the numerous mobile apps designed to help you study for this challenging exam.


PMP Exam Prep:


This app was launched by developers Innate Images LLC at the back end of last year in December 2013. Ever since then it has been earning rave reviews on the ITunes App store where it has notched up an impressive 5-star rating. Users have left comments claiming that the app had some of the insightful practice questions than in any other review course that they have come across. All the videos, quizzes and other material in the app are updated to reflect
PMBOK 5 which is the most relevant study guide for
PMP exams post 2013. Best part about this perfect app? It is a 100% free.




PMP Exam Prep Questions:


App was launched by Global Knowledge Training LLC in August 2013 to help study for the exam. The
app provides 15 questions in each assessment session with a total of 100 multiple choice questions. Every month new questions for the
PMP exam are updated and with each answer you will get to know if it is right or wrong, the correct answer will be displayed and material to help in explaining the answer will appear. Users can post their quiz scores on Facebook and Twitter so that they can compare with their friends online.




PMP exam prep by Course PTR:


This app is based on the
best-selling book PMP in Depth by Dr. Paul Sanghera and developed for the mobile app market by Watermelon Express. The app contains bucket loads of material such as 165 questions, 12 mini tests, 200 flashcards and over 300 pages of review materials. Users can even make notes and bookmark the material. Interactive features all users to schedule study events with your friends where you can add some friendly competition to the quizzes that you are practicing on where your results take the form of percentile scores and you can compare with others. App is available on ITunes for both iPhone and iPad.


PMP for Dummies:


The popular brand of education materials makes its mark on the
PMP certification by introducing this app developed by gWhiz LLC. It more or less offers the same services as the other apps above such as sample questions, quizzes and test-taking tips. The interface is really nice and easy to use. However, a lot of the useful content is accessible only through in-app purchases.




 PM Forumlas:


A very useful app and a different one when compared to the others on this list.
PM Formulas gives a list of every possible formula that could be tested in the exam along with the terminology associated with it i.e. definitions for what each variable of the formula stands for. There are links to other internet sources which can also help to alleviate any doubts on these formulas.It is a familiar study method for those who have been taught using formula sheets in high school and college. 



Author : Lisa Findlay


9/15/2014, 6:30:00 PM

About Author

Lisa Findlay


Project Management

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