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Most Frequently Asked Questions in Project Management Interview

In today’s competitive world, it is important that the organizations hire efficient project managers. These tasks are accomplished by the HR managers or talent acquisition teams within an organization. When hiring project managers, the HR teams have to be very cautious as they have to consider many aspects like whether the candidates are adaptable to new work environment, does the candidate have the ability to manage team members effectively and efficiently etc. Though coming to a conclusion in the first instance is a bit tricky, but by focusing on the key competencies and asking the appropriate questions can answer all the above questions. Listed below are the list of questions which the talent acquisition teams can use while hiring a project manager.  

Question 1: What you want to work on in your project?

Good Response: Well, there are some things we are not comfortable within the project, but project managers work on all the projects that they are assigned. Here the interviewer notices that the candidate is ready to take up the responsibility of any kind of project.

Bad Response: “I want to work only on particular projects, and I am not willing to shift to other projects.”

Question 2: If you are asked to rate project management as a career from 1-10 , how would you rate it and why?

Good Response: The answer to this question gives the interviewer a clear idea about the candidate's interest towards their work and their career. Their answer should indicate that they like everything about the job and they will stay with the company for a long period of time.
Bad Response: “Well I would rate it as 2 as I am only doing this to fill in time and waiting for a better opportunity.”

Question 3: What according to you is the most important duty of a project manager? 

Good Response: The answer to this question shows how they prioritize their work. Their answer will also indicate their proficiency and understand their ability to understand the work process. 

Bad Response: “Well, it’s just managing the work and nothing more than that.”

Question 4: How do you spend most of your time each day?

Good Response: If the candidate likes to spend most of their time at the PC to study the latest technologies and also interact with the team members, and if it is the requirement of your project then you can consider this as a positive indication.  

Bad Response: “I spend most of my time on social networking websites”

Question 5: How do you work with project sponsors? 

Good Response: Well, project managers have to maintain a good relationship with all the members associated with the project. Working with project sponsors is a really good experience as you can learn new things from them. And, project managers have to maintain regular communication with project sponsors and notify them of  all updates pertaining to the project.

Bad Response: “I don’t like project sponsor's interference in my work.”

Question 6: When was the last time you didn’t delegate and what happened?

Good Response: The answer to this question indicates their honesty, and also shows that they are willing to learn from their mistakes. Work delegation is one of the important duties of a project manager and they have to do this on a regular basis. 

Bad Response: “Well I don’t believe in delegating work, rather i would prefer doing it on my own.”

Question 7: As a project manager what was the most difficult ethical decision?

Good Response: The answer to this question should indicate candidate's knowledge and awareness of PMI Code of Ethics, and also their general approach towards their work. The answer to this question also helps the interviewer to judge how the candidate will fit into your business culture.

Bad Response: “Well, i have done everything which i felt right.”

Question 8: What will be your criteria when you are looking for a new job?

Good Response: The answer to this question would give the interviewer an idea about the candidate's interest towards work and what are the aspects that really matter to them at the workplace. The candidate's answer should indicate that they are looking for overall development.  

Bad Response: “I would primarily focus on the salary, expense policy and the chance to travel abroad.”

Question 9: Have you improved  the project management processes at your present organization? If yes, what was it? 

Good Response: The answer to this question indicates the efficiency of the candidate and how did they go about implementing new changes within their team and organization. Sometimes it is not possible to implement new methods in the work culture, the interviewer can ask the candidate if they did not get any chance, did they put their ideas forward to the top management. The interviewer looks for the candidates who isn’t afraid to put their ideas forward.

Bad Response: “Even though there were few issues i did not really bother about them.”

Question 10: For solving issues what are the techniques and methods you use?

Good Response: If the candidate speaks about using various methods like Fishbone diagram and other technical aspects of the project, it ensures that the candidate has good knowledge. This question tests the technical proficiency of the candidate.

Bad response: “I find a solution to the problem on my own without involving the team.”


Listed above are the few questions which project managers can expect at an interview. They can also make use of other resources for more questions. The above listed are the most frequently asked questions.

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11/16/2015, 6:30:00 PM

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Melissa James


Project Management

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