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Increasing the Probability of Project Success

At the start of any project, every single member on the team works towards just one thing, i.e., the success of the project. Every procedure, the response to any complication, the attitude towards work and the inter-relations between the team members, are all calibrated to the success of the project. There are constant and continual efforts to increase the probability of success and the productivity quotient of the team is directly proportional to the same.

There are various project management tools and techniques that different teams and project managers use to increase the probability of their project witnessing the highest levels of success. Read on to find out the most common and popular ways to do so.

Ways to Increase the Project Success Probability

There are various domains in a project where one can increase the chances of its success. These can be applied to any field of business. If there are specific domains based on the nature of project, they should be considered as well.

1) Organizing every Aspect

If a project is organized well, half the battle is won. Making sure that the work is defined clearly, assigning the responsibilities to the right people, and documenting the progress of different processes, is the best way to proceed in making an organization better within the system. The overall work structure has to be broken down so that it can be understood and monitored in a superior way. A disorganized system will lead to chaotic processes and an underprepared team. Fixing the problems created by these issues will jeopardize the success rate too. So, one has to ensure that every aspect of the project is organized--down to the basic details.

2) Thorough Analyzing and Strict Management

When the organization is done perfectly, poor execution may put a speed bump on the project’s success for some time. It is important to analyze various procedures that are included in the project plan, and plan its progress properly. Well designed plans lead to timely deliveries, especially if the costs and schedules are tracked regularly. The importance of performance based project management processes cannot be undermined in any way. If there is no plan in place, it is time to make one and follow through. Based on the analysis,necessary steps should be taken that will enhance the chances of success. Lax management will certainly mark the beginning of poor project execution and reduce the probability of a project’s success.

3) Accounting and Budgeting

The flow of money should be tracked in every project. It should be ensured that no one loses the sight on accounts, irrespective of how ambitious or minor the project is. Going overboard with the budget in order to produce the desired results, marks an unsuccessful project, even if the desired result is achieved. Three things which determine the success of budgeting, thus projecting the same on the project’s success, are planning the order of deliverables of the project, developing the right budget for the same, and scheduling the work that is required to produce the set of determined deliverables. This is one of the major criterions that play a key role in increasing the probability of a project’s success.

4) Revising and Adapting

The ability to adapt to changes has a big hand on how the success of any project is determined.  Changes are inevitable and responding to them in a positive manner is important. In any project, one should constantly revise the progress so that all the important procedures, performance requirements, schedules, costs and technical requirements are well-tracked. 

Asking Questions

In any risk management activity, asking a lot of questions help a lot. Encourage questions such as what are the true business benefits, what are the different kinds of risks that are involved in delivering a project, how will success and failure look like, how can a strong project team be developed,  how can learning of any project be identified and shared, and how a communication strategy should be used and managed. Asking as many questions as required benefits a project and has a direct effect on its high success rate.

Way Forward

One should consider every possible way of increasing the probability of project success and take strategic chances to achieve the same.

All the best!


1/26/2015, 6:30:00 PM

About Author

Uma Daga


Project Management

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