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Experience, Cooperation and the Future of PRINCE2

PRojects IN a Controlled Environment, better known as PRINCE2, is a process based approach for project management. It provides optimal and scalable solutions for projects of all kinds. The many processes, regulations and modules of PRINCE2 are being increasingly adopted by organizations-- for their reliability and result oriented approach a like. 


With all this and a lot more in store, PRINCE2 is expected to dominate the
project management software in future.


The Experience and Cooperation of PRINCE2:


PRINCE2 is extremely intuitive as software. It draws its experience from thousands of projects that have been a part of the system before. It learns from the mistakes of all the previous projects, accentuates their positive aspects, and terminates some actions before executing new processes. It is based on the responses generated by prior projects and its understanding of them. This software also draws its experience from the contribution of innumerable project managers, trainers, project sponsors, project teams, academics and consultants. 


The co-operation and experiences of these elements; along with their contribution for developing the
structure of PRINCE2 (and improving it at every phase), is indispensible. Their inputs are looked forward to in this field and without their constant support and involvement, the steady growth of the system is not possible. 


PRINCE2 and its Elements:


This much-acclaimed tool for
project management systems develops a pool of proven principles and is generic for the application of its methods across various laterals such as IT, construction, research, and product development. With these inputs in place, the organizational ability of diverse sectors has improved substantially.


PRINCE2 has the ability of isolating the management aspect of any project work. Its management aspect does not include the design and construction processes, although they can be easily integrated if required. When all these aspects are integrated, the result is a secure framework and robust structure for specific project works. There are four integrated elements that form the structure of PRINCE2. These are:

  • Principles

  • Themes

  • Processes

  • Project environment

The different business and project issues are tackled in these stages and optimal results are produced at the end, even while adhering to the available resources, time and money. These are the very reasons why the future looks promising with PRINCE2.


A Bright Future: 


In the past, project management was a complex process and was mainly restricted to engineering and IT sectors. However, the process has been simplified over the years and has been made so effective that more and more sectors are using its methodologies. The implementation and
advantages of PRINCE2 can be witnessed in fields like medicine and marketing projects too.


Initially, project managers were merely required to supervise the progress of any project; whereas now, they are considered as strategic thinkers and are crucial for bringing about positive and result-oriented changes in the
project management sector. While the past was impressive enough, the future has a better picture. 


Expected Changes in PRINCE2 Application Areas:


Some of the changes that will be observed in the years ahead are mentioned below:

  • More focus will be rested on improving the control and cost-effectiveness of the system, while limiting the number of resources. This will be done through strict governance and stringent risk management methods. This way, smaller industries can also use PRINCE2.  

  • In the next couple of years, there will be a greater demand for IT PPM tools. This will be addressed by different stages of PRINCE2. 

  • With technological improvements being an order of the day in the world of smart-phones, their increasing popularity will strongly favor the future of PRINCE2. All the necessary processes such as tracking of tasks; creating of files and their editing/ storage; scheduling of  meetings; addressing of critical and sudden problems; and planning of processes on the go; can be made faster, simpler and efficient with smart-phones becoming more powerful. In other words, the operability of PRINCE2 won’t be restricted to one particular location. 

  • Social media is taking the world by storm and this won’t be diminishing anytime soon.  Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn will transform the face of project management. Incorporating PRINCE2 with the same, and integrating media and digital learning platforms as needed, will be beneficial for employees and companies alike. 

What’s Next?


Whether you embrace PRINCE2 now or not, there is no doubt that in the future it will be a vital component of your company. Join the ever-growing league soon and you will be one happy user!


Author : Uma Daga


11/12/2014, 6:30:00 PM

About Author

Uma Daga


Project Management

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