Five Phases of Ethical Hacking
GreyCampus & EC-Council together bring in an informative 1-hour webinar for ethical hacking aspirants. Our subject matter expert will take you through the 5 phases of Ethical Hacking out of the 18 mentioned above. The webinar will follow as per the outline below:
Introduction to Ethical Hacking & Career Opportunities
Phases of Ethical Hacking
Phase 1 – Reconnaissance
Phase 2 – Scanning
Phase 3 – Gaining Access
Phase 4 – Maintaining Access
Phase 5 – Covering Tracks
Hands on hacking techniques using EC-Council iLabs
Q & A Session
The purpose of this webinar is mainly to give you a preview about the entire course and to let you know how exactly the course progresses with demonstrations in each phase. Finally, as an add-on, our Subject Matter Expert will also discuss career benefits of being a Certified Ethical Hacker (also consider checking this perfect guide for cism certification).
The director of EC Council himself brings to you the 5 important phases of Ethical Hacking every CEH aspirant must be aware of. Mr.Kevin King brings to you the demonstration of latest tools and techniques used for various objectives like scanning, gaining access etc.
There are 18 Modules included in the CEH Course material and the entire course plus certification examination is based on these Modules (also consider checking this perfect guide for cyber security certification).
Here’s the recorded version of the webinar:
“All right it's time for our webinar to begin.
This is Kevin and I would like to greet you and welcome you from the sunny yet very cool Albuquerque, New Mexico, in the United States.
For some of you who are in other countries, we are going to be taking a look at the five phases of ethical hacking. I will need to give you a couple of warnings about this webinar before we start:
We really are only going to be doing an overview.
This webinar moves very fast
Hacking is happening right now as we speak, there are things being stolen, data being removed, and read firewalls being breached. In 2014, 60% of small businesses had security breached. In 2014, 81% of large organizations had a security breach, 58% of larger organizations suffered staff related security breaches. Which means somebody from the staff was responsible for it.
Let's move forward into 2016, we saw were 1.4 billion data breaches, 3.7 million records stolen every day, 1,57,364 every hour, 44 records stolen every second. So you know as we've been talking maybe 10000 - 12000 potential records still in it at this time, and 2017 continues that the trend of security breaches.
So, we have to ask a question, “What is hacking?”
Hacking refers to exploiting system vulnerabilities and compromising security controls to gain unauthorized or inappropriate access to the system resources.
It involves modifying system or application features to achieve a goal outside of their creator's original purpose.
We need people to learn to hack so that we can defend our systems. So to be able to think like one we want to prevent hackers from gaining access. We want to uncover vulnerabilities, and to analyze the organization's posture.
Part of this effort is in footprinting, and what we do in footprinting is collect the information we want to know about the security posture. Like, how secure are they, what kind of measures do they lock themselves down with. We want to reduce the focus area if we're going to find there are areas that we don't know. The rest we want to focus in on the IP addresses, the networks, the domain names, remote access methods, and protocols and security methodologies that are being used. The vulnerabilities like for instance if somebody's using an unsecure protocol or if someone has a port open and they don't need to have that port open, we draw a network map. We can put together how that network works and get ready to attack them.
The things we collect in footprinting are the domain name, IP address blocks, TCP UDP ports, ACLs, ACL.
I'm gonna assume that everybody in this webinar hasn't been through any of this. So I'll try to define as many acronyms and terms as I can but some of them will have to let go.
So the first thing you do is you go through search engines google hacking. We look at some of the website footprinting, email footprinting.
We can do a whois on something and we can get domain information very easily. Whois ICANN is where internet names are all registered. So I can actually enter that domain right here and I can enter that name there
Whois footprinting you can find information from their DNS Network for printing for printing through social engineering like,
“Hi my name is Kevin King and I'm with the Gherkin Stein group and we're taking a survey and what we want to ask is the following questions”
You can ask questions about what school they went to what their mother's maiden name was things like that and then you go and you crack in two of our email by answering those security questions. For footprinting you can either use google hacks - website footprint or you can use a browser tools like Firebug.
I'm just gonna show you Firebug real quick we don't have a whole lot of time to get deep into it but I wanted to show that to you and this is something if you're using google chrome just go to google and type in Firebug for Chrome right find it allow it and then when you go to a site and hack this site dot-org there is soul attack. I'm gonna click on the Firebug button here and as you can see I get information about all the different parts of this site all the code in the site. So for instance if there's a document or form or if there are stored clear text passwords,
I'll be able to find some of those by drilling into the site looking at the HTML that's on the site. For instance looking at the body of the HTML that's in the site, looking for specific tags that tell me information about the organization so a Firebug is a very good way to go in and grab information about our site. You do it from Firefox. You can do it with Chrome and grab information about it. Another way that you can grab information about it is to just do an f12 and well if you don't have a Firebug installed. The f12 will give you the inspection of that you would normally get on a normal browser without Firebug.
When you install Firebug it replaces that all right, so you can get information about the site itself and we have many labs that go into this. My website for printing getting information on cookies getting that source HTML and then you can mirror the entire website. Download the site let me just tell you something that a lot of people don't actually know or understand and that is if you are looking at a web page, you're looking at that web page actually on your own system. You have downloaded that web page so you can do that with the entire site and have that site locally so you can sift through it at your leisure with something like HCT track. Or surf online things like that black widow page nest new wood widget W get and hoozy and teleport pro and all that kind of things.
They just look at each one of these. There are a lot of these that you can do. Website mirroring with and then one of my favorite tools is the Wayback Machine which you can go back to a site, let's say the site had started in 2003 you can go back to 2003 and see what was on that site for the most part make a note of that the Wayback Machine and try it out. Try it with some of the sites you know really well and you can it's kind of freaky how they looked way back when all right so web site watcher Wayback Machine.
Now we go into scanning and so what we're gonna do then is we're going to spend before we get too deep into the next slide deck. Let's try some of this stuff out. Alright so my lab has been closed, so what we'll do is we're gonna relaunch this with the certified ethical hacker certification.
We have the ability to run labs and these labs are total totally cool and what we're gonna run in this one is we're gonna run the sniffing lab. This is one of the labs that you get access to if you have certified ethical hacker and it has a platform that is quite amazing.
You'll see that you have access to multiple systems. I just want to run through very quickly how we do a little bit of sniffing and then we'll look at the slide deck just so we don't run out of time. Before you see this lab and the environment it's actually just way way cool, I really think that's been put together a marvelously. Some of you may have seen the platform that this is on and this has been specifically put together for the EC Council certified ethical hacker in a lot of our other courses run on this background lab platform. It allows us to be able to put together our labs in a way we want.
Isolate them so that are not interfering with any other systems makes it work amazingly and well that's up and running.That's getting up and running, I'm what I'm gonna do is I want to just tell you a little bit about what we're gonna be doing in scanning. Let me go back here, yeah here we go in scanning. We're gonna be sniffing.
What sniffing is, looking at the frames the traffic that gives you information as to what's going on with that, what's the data that's being exchanged. One of the most important concepts and I am going to spend just another minute showing you one of the most important concepts that we need to learn. I think I have this on my site, a 24 hour hacker comm one of the things you must know and understand to do good hacking is what a frame and the ethernet frame.
One thing you might want to look up is the term matryoshka doll or matryoshka. It's a Russian word and it's one thing inside another inside of another. What we're going to look at in just a few moments once this lab launches and I think it's launched now which is good.
We're going to look at is, we're going to look at an Ethernet frame in cite, an Ethernet frame is a packet. Inside that packet is a segment, that segment has an assignment to a TCP or UDP port and that port tells us what type of communication it's going to be happening inside this segment. They left that out is a payload, the payload is a little snippet of data that has been communicated.
Alright, so that's what we're going to be seeing in just a moment. Let's go to the lab, here we have a running out of time here, so I want to make sure that I show you some of this.
First thing I want to do is log in and I'm going to show you how this lab environment works. But we're again running out of time here, for that, you can see what I'm doing here in this lab environment as I get this setup. You'll see that there are instructions on the bottom normally after you do each instruction you'll hit the done button and in this case I'm going to start with Kali Linux.
See all these different machines that we have to hack. Android, ubuntu, Kali, win seven, eight, one, two thousand, eight twenty, twelve in this case. Let's go and log on with my secret username. Please don't tell anybody this that's my secret username and don't tell anyone my secret password of Toor. Oops sorry about that I said it out loud.
So now let's go to Windows eight, one, here and we're gonna upgrade this eventually to win ten. Nobody works great and we'll go over here and one of the really nice things that we have available in the certified ethical hacker certification is the tools.
All the tools of hacking, malware threats, sniffing, C sql injection, cloud computing, cryptography. All that's there and we go to sniffing tools here and we go to Wireshark and let's go ahead and install Wireshark. I don't know if you've used Wireshark before but it's probably the pre-eminent sniffing tool that you can find anywhere and by the way it's free so if you are allowed to run a sniffing tool on your computer system.
You could install download and install Wireshark. Now be careful because some organizations do not allow you to do that, alright, so now let's go back to Kelly not for Nia but Linux. We're codifications and applications here. Let's go to kali linux and in kali linux we're gonna go down to information gathering you know which is right here and then from here let's go to for a live host identification and then a live host identification there's a really cool little tool called h ping 3. We go back to windows 8.1 and we get our environment setup for a little bit of hacking. We're going to do next here and we're gonna run a Wireshark.
We have to choose the outgoing or the interface that we're gonna be using wireshark on in this case. It's just the ethernet interface and then we hit start and then we go back to Kelly Linux and we do HPing by the way if you look at H being right up here you'll see there all kinds of things that you can do. Information that you can gather using specific methods of issuing the command. In the our case we just want to give it three different packets and area. Alright it's good, it was a kind of frozen up on me Hping3 - C. Here we'll do three, I'm gonna give it three packets and then we're going to go to the IP address. Oops, I need to go to the IP address here, I actually went to my number keypad and that doesn't work on this part of the lab.
So it had to crash out of there and alright, so now if I go back to Wireshark, upset it's gonna be in windows 8.1. I can see that those packets came through, I can stop, I could take any one of these frames, I can expand it and and so on. But we're out of time so my point is with all of this is, that we need you we need more hackers.
Ethical hackers the rises due to the fact that we have so much going on in our networks by nefarious people who are bent on world domination really or at least hurting us or harming us in some way if you want more information about this or what I'd like you to do is contact Enterprise at It's Enterprise at and you go through far more than the five phases of ethical hacking.
Dinesh you have any words to say yes, Thanksgiving for this insightful webinar I'm sure a lot of people who've joined us courtesy of. A lot of our partners have really benefited from this. As Kevin has suggested this is just a sneak preview of what ethical hacking can entail and there's a substantial amount of knowledge that are certified ethical hacker coverage.
So all right so I've unmuted a question,
Question: Hello Kevin King if it will not make you break your ethical rule you may share this presentation sighs.
Answer: Yeah one of the issues is these slides are the property most of them are the property of ec-council so I'll have to discuss with them whether they're going to be, if I can release them if so I will do so and then I'll have the person whom you signed up through contact you about that.
Next question: Hey Kevin I human video okay if it didn't work out very well. Oh that wasn't good then we can we obtain copies of the slides.
Yes again I will attend, I will find out whether we can do so and if so I will have the person who you signed up for this with contact you about those.
Ok trying to do a CEH course someone else,”How is the CEH course. Can you please,”
Answer: “Okay the CEH course, I would recommend that you have some previous experience leading up to it, so in other words I wouldn't go into the Ceh course without having at least some good knowledge of computers, computer protocols etc. and certified the EC Council has a couple of courses that lead up to the CEH, which is very nice. So you'll need to make sure you have some of that and then someone telling me that someone hacked me and if that's the case I would not be surprised.”