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Agile/Features in Agile Methodology


What is an Agile methodology feature?

A feature is a service or function of a product that provides commercial value and meets the needs of the client. Because most features are too large to work on directly, they are divided into many user stories. 


Why utilize features in Scrum rather than just user stories?

In return for user stories that are tiny enough to fit inside a sprint, features must be large enough to provide a significant value when rolled out to consumers. Features are used to handle large product functionality. 


What is the distinction between Agile features and epics?

Consider epics to be products major versions, projects, or large endeavors. In the end, it comes down to how large your product is. It may make sense to arrange the product backlog on three levels of complexity for a project when numerous teams have been working on it for several years: epics, features, and user stories. However, for a product with only one team of 8-12 people working on it, it makes more sense to simplify administration and have only two levels of detail for the product backlog: features and user stories. 


How large should product features be?

A feature must be completed in no more than 2-3 months. They must fit in 1 Program Increment if you are utilizing the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). They must fit within these cycles if you are following investment financing cycles. The rationale for this is that you can track the feature point velocity for every program increment and show progress to investors.


What are the feature points or distinguishing characteristics?

It's the same as tale points, but on a higher level. Feature points are units of measurement for the complexity, effort, and expertise required to realize the features.


What are the multiple Agile Methodologies' terms for features?

  • A feature is sometimes referred to as a Backlog Item in Scrum.

  • Stories are the name given to features in Windows XP.

  • Agile UP describes features as requirements and uses cases.


What are the features' characteristics?

  • Provide demonstrable business value

  • Include enough information to enable an estimate of the amount of work involved.

  • The scrum team and the product management team should be able to test it.

Structure of Feature Breakdown (FBS)

Agile development employs a feature breakdown structure (FBS) technique that divides each feature into smaller, more manageable pieces of work. This facilitates communication between the client and the development team since both can understand each other clearly and without ambiguity. It also aids in tracking the progress of work in relation to the value generated.


Creating a preliminary feature list

Feature requests might come from a variety of sources, and one person should be assigned to collect all of them. The team should modify these criteria, removing duplicate items, things that cannot be implemented, and requests that are too broad. This first feature list may be thought of as a rough sketch that can be used to plan out the release and first iteration. When crucial new features are found, they are simply incorporated into the changing release plan and provided in a future iteration. The work adjusts as the project develops to accommodate new goals, extra information from stakeholders, and changing industry conditions.


Benefits of segmenting features into smaller user stories

  • Stories restrict the scope: They represent a whole piece of functionality, no matter how little, and may therefore track incremental development.

  • Stories fit into sprints: This enables for more effective sprint work scheduling and planning.

  • Tales reduce risk: Because huge stories are more complicated, they also carry greater risk. This danger is reduced when features are divided into smaller stories.


Task vs Feature Planning

Features enter into play at the macro level of planning, and it is critical that they are later split down into tasks and estimated. Feature planning and estimation aid in the scheduling of releases and iterations. Estimates and task planning assist in allocating resources and planning work within an iteration.


7/8/2022, 10:17:00 AM

About Author

Shivam J



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